Sterilizer Autoclave for Your Food Products
    1. Meats
    2. Meats Sumpot has provided many food manufacturing plants with water immersion retorts for sterilizing sausages, minces, meatballs, lunch meats, foie gras and other meat products packaged in flexible pouches and metal cans of more than 500g in capacity.
    1. Seafood & Fishery Products
    2. Seafood & Fishery Products Salmon, tuna, sardines and other fishery products found in cans and pouches are becoming more prevalent onto our dinner plates.
    1. Sauces
    2. Sauces For food processors who produce various sauces such as ketchup, mayonnaise, salad dressing and chili sauce, Sumpot provides shaking retorts that can move products in a reciprocating forward and backward motion...
    1. Soups
    2. Soups Sumpot has provided many food manufacturing plants with water immersion retorts for sterilizing sausages, minces, meatballs, lunch meats, foie gras and other meat products packaged in flexible pouches and metal cans of more than 500g in capacity.